Our filming journey begins in Peru’s capital - Lima

Lima is the world's second-largest city and is located in a desert. Each year, the capital receives only nine millimeters of rainfall for its 11 million population. As a result, Peru must be clever when it comes to sourcing its water.

Each year the local indigenous community celebrate La Fiesta de Agua. During the water festival, the community comes together to clean and maintain the Amunas. The community give thanks and sing to Pachamama the Earth Mother who plants, harvests, embodies the mountains and replenishes the Andean land with precious water.

Over the years, many of these ancient water systems have become derelict and are in need of heavy restoration. Backus, a Peruvian beer brewer part of the AB InBev Group, are restoring the ancient water harvesting system in Peru, as part of their ambitious water stewardship goals in the region. They have committed to an investment of 5 million USD to help rehabilitate 32.5km of Amunas. In 2022, they were awarded a Lighthouse Award for their efforts.

The restoration of the aquifers contributes directly to confronting the water crisis and allows the lower part of the micro-basin to have greater water availability in the dry season. This massive effort positively impacts the local livestock and farming.


Bringing Clean Water to Millions in Burundi


Ripples of Change: A Global Odyssey for Our Blue World